Common Questions About Hip Replacement Surgery

When a hip joint is damaged, surgery to replace the hip is frequently performed to reduce discomfort and increase mobility. If you are thinking about having a Hip Replacement Surgery In Delhi, you might have some concerns regarding the operation and what to anticipate.

What about hip Replacement?

A damaged or unhealthy hip joint is replaced with an artificial joint during hip replacement surgery, sometimes referred to as hip arthroplasty. The femur (thigh bone) and pelvis are connected by the hip joint, which is a ball-and-socket joint. The prosthesis, sometimes referred to as an artificial joint, is made of ceramic, plastic, or metal materials and is intended to mirror the hip joint’s normal function.

Why is hip replacement surgery performed?

People with severe hip joint issues, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, or hip fractures, frequently have hip replacement surgery to reduce pain and enhance mobility. In order to do hip replacement surgery, either general anesthesia or regional anesthesia is used. The injured or sick joint will be removed when the surgeon makes an incision on the hip’s side or back. The prosthetic joint is then inserted into the bone and fixed in place with screws or cement. With sutures or staples, the wound is stitched up.

How long does hip replacement surgery take?

An average hip replacement procedure lasts between one and two hours. The complexity of the surgery and the state of the patient, however, might affect the actual time. After having a hip replacement, most patients stay in the hospital for 1–4 days, depending on their health and the kind of procedure. If a patient has difficulties or underlying medical concerns, a prolonged hospital stay may be necessary.

What is the recovery process like after hip replacement surgery?

The length of the healing period following hip replacement surgery might vary based on the patient’s age, general health, and procedure type. After surgery, patients often require crutches or a walker for a few weeks while undergoing physical therapy to restore strength and mobility. Patients may need many months to fully heal and get back to their regular routines.

What are the potential risks and complications of hip replacement surgery?

Despite the minimal risk, problems with hip replacement are possible.

  • Less than 1% of patients undergoing any kind of surgery may experience a cardiovascular event brought on by the stress of the procedure, such as a stroke or heart attack.
  • An infection affects about 5% of patients.
  • Dislocations of the hip occur in about 1% of patients.
  • Less than 5% of patients may need revision surgery for a fracture, depending on the kind of implant.

In the event that none of these significant occurrences take place, a patient may feel some muscular discomfort while bending or elevating the thigh or that one leg is longer than the other.

Can I resume normal activities after hip replacement surgery?

Within a few weeks of hip replacement surgery, the majority of patients are able to return to their regular activities, including walking, driving, and mild exercise. However, for several months following surgery, patients should refrain from strenuous activity and heavy lifting. Even though hip replacement surgery is a long-term fix for hip joint issues, some individuals could need revision surgery if the implant deteriorates or becomes loose over time. Revision surgery is less frequent than primary surgery, and it often has a lower success rate. But the majority of hip replacements endure for at least 15 to 20 years, and some can even last a lifetime.


For those with hip joint issues, hip replacement surgery is a frequent and efficient technique that can reduce discomfort and increase mobility. Talk to your Hip Replacement Surgeon In Delhi or healthcare professional if you have any questions or worries regarding hip replacement surgery. They can provide you with more details and aid in your decision-making regarding your treatment alternatives.

Address: Varenya Healthcare Centre, 1139/1, Sector 3, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201012

Mobile number :  +91-7065807070




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